CATEGORY: Random Firings


Good morning, sunshine

We begin and end with a contemplation: how to elucidate the delicate pleasures of half a bottle of decent Sauvignon Blanc followed by a Valium… Just one pill, mind you. And just before bedtime. The purpose of which was to chase away the demon anxieties that crowded the bed the night before.

bed in the a.m.

Today I awoke with a sense of lightness and delight — that blessed little diazepam worked its magic last night without leaving me with a headache or laziness the way some of daddy’s other little helpers can. The wretch of bad sleep that dominated the night before slipped away last night, leaving only lingering sulfite twitters on the back of my tongue as the sun rose this Monday morning in bright brilliant stripes.

As Meryl Streep so magnificently emoted in The Devil Wears Prada: “That’s all.”

Just wanted to mention it.

Pondering future

In what was billed by the SF Chronicle as the largest collapse in US banking history, Washington Mutual was taken over by the Fed after frightened account holders bled $17 billion in cash during a massive bank run in early autumn.

The news hit the fan while Arvin and I were working from Hawaii back in early October. It’s been less than two months since then, and we’re still on edge pondering the future, as Chase (the new owner of WaMu’s assets) figures out what’s next. It has been announced that there will be layoffs in his division. The formal announcement is coming soon.

Past imperfect
Wamu flat-lines…

WaMu's stock: 6 month slide to the end

The Dow Jones Industrial average for the same six months…

Dow Jones ^dji - the same 6 months, ending 11/20/208

Dow Jones ^dji – the same 6 months, ending 11/20/208

Pairings for a feast
The only linguistic device I love more than sarcasm is multiple entendre. In today’s case, the print edition of the SF Chronicle (photo above) offers tips for pairings for The Feast. I suspect that The Feast is going to be slim for many, and that for the Wamu’ers, as well as the fifty thousand people whose jobs are about to be axed from Citigroup, they’ll be pairing this not-yet slaughtered turkey of an economy with a goodly serving of ruined faith. Maybe Sarah Palin can help with the harvest.

Regrettably, this is no time for deep sarcasm. The financial realities now unraveling this nation of greed and excess and superfluousness call for a re-awakening and a re-envisioning of what it means to care for our country as a single nation, instead of a nation of will-have’s vs can’t-have’s.

Let them eat cock
(Rooster. Of course.)